Top 10 Economic terms to help you trade Many new traders seem to have a good grasp of a few technical analysis methods. Perhaps a slight understanding of some trading strategies and some knowledge of trading jargon. But where we see the largest lack of knowledge is in the Fundamental economic terms, theories and events… Continue reading Top 10 Economic Terms to Help you Trade
Category: CFD
Options Trading Part 1 – A Quick 5 minute guide!
If you’re new to trading the markets, then you may have come across the term ‘Options Trading’ and wondered what it’s all about. If you are just looking for a simple explanation to get you started, then you are in exactly the right place. Most articles on Options are very confusing, often using jargon terminology… Continue reading Options Trading Part 1 – A Quick 5 minute guide!
What is an ETF?
What is an ETF? ETFs have gained a mass following over the past few years and only seem to become more and more popular. But what are they? ETFs are funds that trade ‘on-exchange’. They track sectors or indices and as they are traded on exchange, trade just like your usual stocks and shares. What… Continue reading What is an ETF?
Ultimate Guide to Day Trading [date_month_year]
What is Day Trading? Day trading refers to a style of trading that involves very short-term exposure to a financial instrument, typically less than one day. It is sometimes referred to as ‘swing trading’, as the trader is looking to benefit from sharp fluctuations or ‘swings’ in the market, in order to make a profit.… Continue reading Ultimate Guide to Day Trading [date_month_year]
What is DogeCoin?
What is DogeCoin, exactly? Is it a joke? Will it make me rich? Read on to learn more about DogeCoin and how it all came about! Now, one of the questions I typed above was: Is DogeCoin a joke? And the simple answer is – To begin with, absolutely. And this was well documented in… Continue reading What is DogeCoin?
Major Vs Minor FX Pairs
Major Vs Minor FX Pairs (Vs Exotic) What is a Major FX pair? What is considered to be an ‘exotic’ pair? Let’s find out! Chances are – You’re logged on to this website from a country that uses a currency that is considered to be a Major. If not – A minor? And if you… Continue reading Major Vs Minor FX Pairs
Top 10 Beginner Trading Mistakes
Top 10 Beginner Trading Mistakes New to trading? Unsure how to place your first trade? No need to panic – Have a read through this article and help eradicate many of the main mistakes made by beginner traders! Opening your first trading account is exciting – There’s no doubting that. You get approved, you fund… Continue reading Top 10 Beginner Trading Mistakes
What are FAANG stocks?
What are FAANG stocks? What exactly are FAANG stocks? Which companies are included and why are they grouped together with their own acronym? To start this article, let’s take a look at what stocks actually create the so-called FAANG stocks: Facebook Amazon Apple Netflix Google (or more recently – Alphabet) These stocks are some of… Continue reading What are FAANG stocks?
What are Non-Farm Payrolls?
What are Non-Farm Payrolls? Traders largely look for volatility. And where better place to look but the NFP or Non-farm payroll figures released monthly in the US. But what are Non-Farm Payrolls? Non-farm payrolls are an economic data release that show the number of jobs there are in the states – BUT – the number… Continue reading What are Non-Farm Payrolls?
What is a CFD?
What is a CFD? How do I trade CFDs? CFD is an acronym for ‘Contracts for Difference’. The difference being the price you enter and exit the trade of a particular market. If you were able to buy the market at a lower price than you sold – you would’ve made a profit. If not,… Continue reading What is a CFD?