Top 10 Economic terms to help you trade Many new traders seem to have a good grasp of a few technical analysis methods. Perhaps a slight understanding of some trading strategies and some knowledge of trading jargon. But where we see the largest lack of knowledge is in the Fundamental economic terms, theories and events… Continue reading Top 10 Economic Terms to Help you Trade
Category: General
Options Trading Part 1 – A Quick 5 minute guide!
If you’re new to trading the markets, then you may have come across the term ‘Options Trading’ and wondered what it’s all about. If you are just looking for a simple explanation to get you started, then you are in exactly the right place. Most articles on Options are very confusing, often using jargon terminology… Continue reading Options Trading Part 1 – A Quick 5 minute guide!
4 Best Trading Screen Brackets [date_month_year]
4 Best Trading Screen Brackets A question we always seem to get asked by our followers and site users is – ‘Which Trading Screen Brackets would you recommend?’ Almost every month we’ve had this exact same question asked by our Instagram followers, Facebook friends and website users – So we thought now is the time… Continue reading 4 Best Trading Screen Brackets [date_month_year]
How do FX Brokers make money?
How do FX Brokers make money? Nowadays, you see marketing and advertisements for trading firms everywhere you look. The multitude of Football, Formula 1, Rugby and Cricket sponsorships (to name but a few) has gone through the roof! Now as you can imagine, this sponsorship doesn’t come cheap. Neither do YouTube Ads, TV Ads, or… Continue reading How do FX Brokers make money?
5 Best Trading Books [date_month_year]
Welcome to Trading Halo’s review of the 5 Best Trading Books of [date_month_year]! We are going to talk you through not only books that have helped us along our trading journey in terms of education – But also books which have just been a good trading-themed, entertaining read! Let’s start by looking at something that… Continue reading 5 Best Trading Books [date_month_year]
6 Best Trading Gadgets [date_month_year]
6 Best Trading Gadgets [date_month_year] Trading can be super-stressful and at times, extremely time-consuming! But there are periods of down-time. Time to reflect on your performance. And markets that seem to stagnate to the point where a trade entry seems all but pointless. It’s during these periods where a few Trading Gadgets can fill the… Continue reading 6 Best Trading Gadgets [date_month_year]
What is an ETF?
What is an ETF? ETFs have gained a mass following over the past few years and only seem to become more and more popular. But what are they? ETFs are funds that trade ‘on-exchange’. They track sectors or indices and as they are traded on exchange, trade just like your usual stocks and shares. What… Continue reading What is an ETF?
Ultimate Guide to Day Trading [date_month_year]
What is Day Trading? Day trading refers to a style of trading that involves very short-term exposure to a financial instrument, typically less than one day. It is sometimes referred to as ‘swing trading’, as the trader is looking to benefit from sharp fluctuations or ‘swings’ in the market, in order to make a profit.… Continue reading Ultimate Guide to Day Trading [date_month_year]
What is DogeCoin?
What is DogeCoin, exactly? Is it a joke? Will it make me rich? Read on to learn more about DogeCoin and how it all came about! Now, one of the questions I typed above was: Is DogeCoin a joke? And the simple answer is – To begin with, absolutely. And this was well documented in… Continue reading What is DogeCoin?
What is an NFT?
What is an NFT? What is an NFT? Are they similar to Cryptos? What does NFT stand for? We will answer all of your questions in this article and have a deep look at one of the latest trends to hit the market in recent years! What is an NFT– What does NFT stand for?… Continue reading What is an NFT?